
It is with regret that with the impact of the coronavirus and following the latest Government advice regarding meetings, along with Scouting and Guiding Associations banning all meetings we are unable to proceed with this year’s show.

This is obviously very disappointing for everyone concerned especially after all the hard work that has been put in by the cast and all those backstage, however we have no choice about this.

Rest assured we will be back for 2021 when all the hard work put in for this year will reappear on stage.

Our thanks to all those who have bought tickets for the show. If you purchased and paid for these through the online booking service, the company that run this for us will automatically refund the amount paid in full to the account/credit card used. You will receive a 100% refund. No action by you is required.

If you purchased tickets directly from us by phone or in the shop we will refund this directly to you, however we may not have the full details of who has bought these tickets in the shop so if you require a refund please complete the ticket refund form below and print and send it to the address shown, along with the tickets if you have already received them. We understand not all tickets have yet been issued but we will be able to check this.

We will be back!

IPSWICH GANG SHOW – Ticket refund request.

Dove Cottage, Lower Road, Westerfield, Ipswich, IP6 9AS
Tel 01473 250613

This form / information should be returned to the above address.


Contact details (Phone or email)

Please complete details below:

Number of tickets purchased    
Refund amount expected £………..  
Tickets returned (Enclosed/ Not received) Delete as appropriate
Allocate money to tickets for 2021 (Yes/ No) Delete as appropriate
Treat as a donation to Ipswich Gang Show (Yes/ No) Delete as appropriate

No refund can be made unless this voucher is returned.